Huguenot migration in the 17th century

Huguenot migration in the 17th century

The Huguenot migration in the 17th century   Who were the Huguenots ?    The Huguenots are the Protestants of the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of Navarre during the Religious Wars of the second half of the 16th century (1562-98), during which they were...
Huguenot migration in the 17th century

Les Filles du Roy

Les filles du Roy 2023 :150e anniversaire du dernier voyage   Pour peupler la Nouvelle-France, Louis XIV favorisa le départ, entre 1663 et 1673, d’un millier de jeunes femmes de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique. Objectif : les marier à des colons et fonder ainsi des...